Digitally-enabled rehabilitation for people with Long Covid (Living With Covid Recovery) COVID-19 Trust digital rehabilitation Innovation and Implementation Science co-production
ASSIST: Assessing the impact of online self-sampling for STIs and HIV Innovation and Implementation Science self-management sexual health digital
Emergency surgery or not for common vascular conditions (ESORT-V study) Health economics and data surgery
ESORT: Evaluating the effectiveness of emergency surgery for patients with acute conditions Health economics and data Trust acute care surgery
The Nurture Early for Optimal Nutrition (NEON) Programme Local Authority children & young people ethnic minority groups nutrition families co-production Population health and social care maternal health
Economic evaluation of interventions to stop smoking in pregnant women Health economics and data women's health maternal health public health
MARQUE: Developing an evidence-based intervention to improve agitation for people with dementia in care homes Mental Health dementia Trust older adults carers health equity
Impacts of digital technologies on health and social care services Innovation and Implementation Science primary care Local Authority digital communication Trust social care