Investigating variations in care amongst people with multiple morbidity using linked council and NHS data

PROJECT STATUS: Not yet started

As the population ages, the prevalence of multimorbidity (people living with multiple long-term conditions at the same time) is growing. People with multimorbidity often require care across multiple organisations. Moreover, factors outside of health - family, employment or living conditions – might influence access to care. 

Most studies to date have focused on service use in one sector. Linkage across health and council data provides opportunities to extend understanding of access to care across multiple organisations.

This project is exploring the utility of linked NHS and council data to understand variations in service use amongst people with multimorbidity. It builds on ongoing research to understand social determinants of multimorbidity and inform service provision.


Care City


London Borough of Islington

University College London

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Lead Investigator
Investigating Team
Lizzie Ingram (UCL)
Helen McDonald (LSHTM)
Jenny Shand (Care City, UCLPartners)
Sue Hogarth (London Borough of Islington)
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